Category: Winter Bowls
Gadabout Triples
This year’s Gadabout Triples, sponsored by John Gadsden, was held in cool still conditions with a full field of 48 players. The winners were: Alek Gryta, John Pole and Ron Day Alek is pictured above with sponsor John Gadsden and organiser John Bridge.
READ MOREFerocious Fours
In perfect winter sunshine, 48 bowlers (plus reserves) took to the green for this annual winter competition cunningly devised by Martin Adams and John Bridge. The day comprised two games of fours and, in a separate competition, one game of continuous pairs. The pairs was played during the lunch break.. The winners, with two fours…
READ MOREGadabout Triples Results
The Gadabout Triples was, after a weeks delay, held in perfect conditions on Saturday 17th June. Many thanks to our well hidden sponsor. Also to the organisers Marty and Bridgy. Winners for the day, above, were: Rick Camins, Kerry Chernoff and Tom James Runners-up, below,were: Jill Maskiell, Helen Gray and Esther Scott The best of…
READ MORESuccessful Quins event
Despite the cold and blustery conditions, 40 intrepid bowlers took to the field for a very successful Quins event on Sunday 7th May. Ten teams of four played Fours, Triples, Singles and two games of Pairs during the afternoon. The event was followed by a delicious curry dinner provided by club sponsor Tandoori Flames. Thanks…
READ MOREFearsome Fours
On a glorious late June day sixty-four bowlers turned out for the above event. Two games of fours separated by split-pairs and lunch. The day, and probably the weather also, was a credit to Martin Adams and his calculating support John Bridge. Martin thanked the many members who supported the event with work and prizes….
READ MOREGadabout Nominated Triples results
The winners of the Gadabout nominated triples on 14 May were: Martin Saunders, Alec Gryta and Matt Green, shown above with Vice-President Sue Harris. Runners-up (below) were: John Shaw, Ric Camins and Kerry Chernoff
READ MORENominated Pairs/Fours
A cloudy/drizzly but warm day did not discourage the sixty-four bowlers who took to the field for this popular event on Saturday 21st August. Each team of four was spilt any pairs for four games; each pair played one game on each of A and B greens. This was followed by lunch and then a…
READ MORENominated Fours-Winter Bowls
On Saturday 26th June, in perfect winter conditions, 64 bowlers enjoyed a great day of competition on “B” Green. Staring at 10.30am there were two rounds of fours separated by two rounds of split pairs during the lunch break. Martin Adams and his team of Bridgy (all administration and scoring) and JMac (who organised the…