
Opening Day 6 October 2024

Again we were blessed with perfect conditions for the opening of the 2024-25 bowling season. Club Captains Martin Saunders and Wendy Ireland organised a novel and amusing triples competition loosely based on each player’s place of birth. 48 bowlers took part, filling eight rinks on B green.

Club Patron, a spritely Geoff Morris a few months short of his 100th birthday, put down the first bowl of the season (picture above).

A meal of Steinburgers and salad was served afterwards. Many thanks to Club President and his team.

The winning team of six, Mt Lawley, won all four of their games and are pictured below (David Steinberg was also part of the winning team but was busy cooking Steinburgers).

The only other prize went to the wooden-spooners, Subiaco, see below.