Presentation Dinner 2021-22
The 2021-22 Presentation Dinner was held on the night of the 10th June 2022.
The social committee of Leigh Richardson and her team can be congratulated on a organising a pleasant evening during which the many prize-winners were the focus of the event.
There were some special awards:
Congratulations to Adrian Clements, who is a well-deserved winner of the Club Member of the Year, as he has for many years been quietly running raffles, organising non-pennant bowls and performing many other functions behind the scenes.

John Shaw and his team of Ross Donald, George Klug and John McCormack for the tremendous effort they put in to maintain the greens after Gary Ellis moved on.

John Bridge was presented with a certificate from Bowls WA for the many years he spent on the Fixtures and Events Committee of that organisation.