
Vale Kerry Haddleton

Kerry Haddleton passed away gracefully on Saturday afternoon, 29th May 2021 at 84 years of age.
Kerry was a ball of energy who loved his Dalkeith Nedlands Bowling Club as much as anyone.  Kerry played pennants for the club for well over 20 years and was a true fighter when the bowls got tough.  Kerry was a man who loved bowls, his family and his country.  If you ever had the opportunity to discuss issues with Kerry you soon found out he was passionate about all the things that are important to our society.
Kerry supported his club equally passionately and was very generous when it came to providing the club time and resources.
We will miss him and I hope you all have an opportunity pay your respects to a true club member.
There will be a Memorial to celebrate the life of Kerry at the club starting at 11am on Thursday 10th June