At it’s last meeting the Committee decided that Saturday bowls will be a mixed event as are Thursday and Friday.
All members are well and truly aware that we are a combined Club and should be seen to be such.
The format of the games will be decided on the day and depend on numbers.
Thursday and Saturday – 1pm start
Please have names in to the Club, 9386 3131, by 12.15pm.
Friday – 9.45am for 10am
Please have names to Margi Jordan on 0412 477 294 by 5pm on Thursday.
Start time on Friday is 10.15am, so report no later than 9.45am.
Look forward to seeing as many of you as possible, on the green
Brian Burton
Mens Captain
We can have up to 100 people in the club without having to purchase a meal as of June 6th, but still observing the Covid -19 safe rules.