A cloudy/drizzly but warm day did not discourage the sixty-four bowlers who took to the field for this popular event on Saturday 21st August.
Each team of four was spilt any pairs for four games; each pair played one game on each of A and B greens. This was followed by lunch and then a two-set game of fours on B Green.
Many thanks to Marty Adams and John Bridge for the effort they put in to organise and then corral the troops into some form of order. Also for creative way they chose the winners.
Our excellent lunch from Subway and prizes were sponsored by Andy McGlew, Pek Goh, Alex Campbell, John Bridge and Pat & Helen Clohessy. Our thanks to them.
The main winners of the day, pictured below, were the team of:
David Hyde, Rob Kelly, David Broadfoot and Kent Warburton
The Fours were won by the team of:
Wendy Ireland, Ken Brooke, Margy Jordan and Sally Day.